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Baharuddin, M. H. M., & Sah, S. A. M. (2005). The conservation status of the freshwater turtle (batagur baska) in the perak river, west malaysia. Unpublished thesis Working Paper, Universiti Sains Malaysia. 
Added by: Admin (21 Nov 2009 11:59:49 UTC)
Resource type: Thesis/Dissertation
BibTeX citation key: Baharuddin2005
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Categories: General
Keywords: Batagur, Batagur baska, Geoemydidae, Habitat = habitat, Schildkröten = turtles + tortoises, Südostasien = South East Asia
Creators: Baharuddin, Sah
Publisher: Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Views: 2/1017
Views index: 15%
Popularity index: 3.75%
The river terrapin Batagur baska is a freshwater turtle which is widely distributed and inhabits South and South Eastern Asia from West Bengal. India to South Vietnam and Sumatra. In West Malaysia the species is found in large rivers. with noticeable numbers in Perak River (Perak), Terengganu River (Terengganu and Bukit Pinang River (Kedah)
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