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Acuña-Mesén, R. A., & Marquez, C. B. (1993). Sexual dimorphism of kinosternon scorpioides (testudines: kinosternidae) in palo verde, costa rica: El dimorfismo sexual de kinosternon scorpioides (testudines: kinosternidae) en palo verde, costa rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 41(2), 261–265. 
Added by: Admin (23 Aug 2008 12:12:57 UTC)   Last edited by: Beate Pfau (19 Jul 2009 11:01:41 UTC)
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: AcunaMesen1993
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Categories: General
Keywords: Habitat = habitat, Kinosternidae, Kinosternon, Kinosternon scorpioides, Mittelamerika = Central America, Morphologie = morphology, Schildkröten = turtles + tortoises, Systematik = taxonomy
Creators: Acuña-Mesén, Marquez
Collection: Revista de Biología Tropical
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Kinosternon scorpioides
Sexual dimorphism of a population of the turtle Kinosternon scorpioides was evaluated at Palo Verde National Park, Costa Rica. Curved width (C.W.) and curved length (C.L.) of carapace, straight length of plastron (L.S.P.) and weight were measured in the dry season. Average (ñ standard deviation) C.L. was similar in both sexes: 18.72 ñ 1.16 cm (males) and 18.84 ñ 0.79 cm (females). Average C.W. for males and females was 18.83 ñ 1.39 cm and 20.90 ñ 0.94 cm respectively (P ó 0.05). Average L.S.P. was 15.43 ñ 1.09 cm (male) and 16.2 ñ 0.84 cm (females, P ó 0.05). Average weight was 611.4 ñ 103.4 g (males) and 755.8 ñ 113.3 g (females, P ó 0.05). Additionally, carapace and plastron morphometry, size, pigmentation of head, tail length, concavity of plastron and development of the beack (upper jaw) differed between sexes. Sexual dimorphism of C.W. and weight suggests sex related selective pressure
Added by: Admin  Last edited by: Beate Pfau
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