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Baran, I., Türkozan, O., & Ilgaz, Ç. , Comparison of anatolian herpetofauna with that of the aegean islands. Unpublished paper presented at The Agean Sea 2000. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Aegean Sea. 
Added by: Admin (06 Jan 2014 18:24:01 UTC)
Resource type: Conference Paper
BibTeX citation key: Baran2000
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Categories: General
Keywords: Echsen - saurians, Geoemydidae, Habitat - habitat, Mauremys caspica, Schildkröten - turtles + tortoises, Schlangen - snakes, Südwestasien - South West Asia, Testudinidae, Testudo graeca
Creators: Baran, Ilgaz, Türkozan
Collection: The Agean Sea 2000. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Aegean Sea
Views: 2/924
Views index: 18%
Popularity index: 4.5%
In contrast to Anatolian and Thrace Region, the herpetofauna of our islands could not be investigated until 1978. Starting from 1978, The Turkish coast were separated into 3 section and a total of 292 islands were examined with regard to amphibian and reptilian fauna in 3 years period. The systematic and periodic research resulted in the discovery of 3 amphibian, 2 tortoise and fresh water turtle, 15 lizard and 11 snake species in the area. All recorded species distribute in Anatolia and Thrace Region as well. However, 2 new subspecies of a common lizard of Anatolia were described. This situation confirms from the herpetofauna view that the islands constitute the continuation of the mainland. It is necessary to express that the human activities should be planned carefully on the islands. Testudinidae Testudo graeca Mauremys caspica
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