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Keyword:  Heosemys grandis
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Highfield, A. C. (1996). Practical encyclopedia of keeping and breeding tortoises and freshwater turtles 1st ed. London: Carapace Press.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 26 Oct 2008 07:40:50 UTC Pop. 4.5%
Huang, C. (2014). Screening organic contaminants in the desert tortoise in the mojave. Unpublished thesis , San Diego State University.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 06 Jul 2014 16:11:41 UTC Pop. 5.25%
Hudson, R., & Buhlmann, K. A. (2002). Turtle rescue - turtle survival alliance executive summary. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter, 6, 12–14.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 26 Oct 2008 07:52:51 UTC Pop. 3.75%
Ihlow, F. (2011). Die schildkrötenfauna kambodschas. Schildkröten im Fokus, 8(3), 23–35.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 28 Aug 2011 21:15:11 UTC Pop. 4.5%
Innis, C., Lewbart, G., Flanagan, J., Terrell, S., Lung, N., & Ross, A., et al. (2002). Veterinary observations on the december, 2001 asian turtle confiscation. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, 2002, 282–285.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:24:38 UTC Pop. 4.75%
Iverson, J. B., & McCord, W. P. (2006). Intraspecific variation in the giant asian pond turtle, heosemys grandis (gray, 1860). Hamadryad, 30(1&2), 128–134.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:31:52 UTC Pop. 3%
Jayes, A. S., & Alexander, M. R. (1980). The gaits of chelonians: walking techniques for very low speeds. Journal of Zoology, London, 191, 353–378.   
Added by: Admin 24 Aug 2008 18:49:41 UTC Pop. 2.25%
Langmann, J. (1987). Haltung und zucht der riesen-erdschildkröte, heosemys grandis. Aquarien-Terrarien, 34, 242–244.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 13 Oct 2008 21:32:39 UTC Pop. 2%
Le, M. D. (2007). Conservation of turtles in vietnam: a survey of cat tien national park. Oryx, 41(4), 544–547.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 25 Apr 2010 07:58:28 UTC Pop. 3.25%
Lovich, J. E. (1994). Biodiversity and zoogeography of non-marine turtles in southeast asia. In S. K. Majumdar, F. J. Brenner, J. E. Lovich, E. W. Miller & J. F. Schalles (Eds.), Biological Diversity: Problems and Challenges (pp. 380–391). Easton, PA: Pennsylvania Academy of Science.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:24:50 UTC Pop. 6%
Ludwig, M., Auer, M., & Fritz, U. (2007). Phalangeal formulae of geoemydid terrapins (batagur, callagur, hardella, heosemys, kachuga, orlitia, pangshura, rhinoclemmys) reflect distinct modes of life. Amphibia-Reptilia, 28(4), 574–576.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 19 Jul 2009 12:14:54 UTC Pop. 4.5%
Martínez-Silvestre, A., & Bernal, A. I. (2005). Trachemys callirostris callirostris. biotope, nutzung und schutz der kinnfleck-schmuckschildkröte in kolumbien. Reptilia, 10(1), 78–82.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 06 Jul 2014 16:11:52 UTC Pop. 5%
Murray, R. A. (2004). Endohelminths from six rare species of turtles (bataguridae) from southeast asia confiscated by international authorities in hong kong, china. Unpublished thesis , Texas A&M University.   
Added by: Admin 29 Jan 2012 12:39:00 UTC Pop. 4%
Parollo, L., & Richard, J. (2012). Dati sulla struttura della popolazione e diffusione di testudo hermanni gmelin, 1789 nella riserva naturale integrale di bosco nordio (reptilia, testudines, testudinidae). Bollettino del Museo di Storia Naturale di Venezia, 63, 121–133.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 06 Jul 2014 16:17:13 UTC Pop. 2.75%
Platt, S. G., Ko, W. K., Khaing, L. L., Myo, K. M., Lwin, T. U., & Swe, T., et al. (2005). Noteworthy records and exploitation of chelonians from the ayeyarwady, chindwin, and dokhtawady rivers, myanmar. Chelonian Conservation & Biology, 4(4), 942–948.   
Added by: Admin 18 Jul 2009 11:46:17 UTC Pop. 3.5%
Praschag, R. (2002). Schildkröten und panzerechsen in myanmar. teil 1. DATZ, 55(7), 16–21.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:35:31 UTC Pop. 3.25%
Raphael, B. L., Buhlmann, K. A., & Hudson, R. (2002). The turtle survival alliance in action: Surgical and medical triage of a lagre group of confiscated asian turtles. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, 2002, 282–285.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:25:13 UTC Pop. 4%
Rudolphi, M., & Weser, R. (2000). Zucht der f2-generation bei der riesenerdschildkröte heosemys grandis (gray, 1860). Sauria, 22(3), 17–24.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:40:49 UTC Pop. 2%
Schaffer, C. (2002). The miami experience. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter, 6, 8–9.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:36:27 UTC Pop. 3.25%
Schilde, M. (2004). Asiatische sumpfschildkröten. die familie geoemydidae in südostasien, china und japan. Münster: Natur und Tier Verlag.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 10 Jan 2009 09:04:19 UTC Pop. 4%
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