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Keyword:  Chelydra serpentina
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Kolbe, J. J. (2001). The influence of propagule size and maternal nest-site selection on survival and behaviour of neonate turtles. Functional Ecology, 15(6), 772–781.   
Added by: Admin 17 Aug 2008 18:54:50 UTC Pop. 2.25%
Kolbe, J. J. (2002). Impact of nest-site selection on nest success and nest temperature in natural and disturbed habitats. Ecology, 83, 269–281.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:35:29 UTC Pop. 2%
Kolbe, J. J. (2002). Experimental analysis of an early life-history stage: water loss and migrating hatchling turtles. Copeia, 2002(1), 220–226.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:35:29 UTC Pop. 1.75%
Kopecký, O., Kalous, L., & Patoka, J. (2013). Establishment risk from pet-trade freshwater turtles in the european union. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 410(02), 1–11.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:24:45 UTC Pop. 3.75%
Krawchuk, M. A., Koper, N., & Brooks, R. J. (1997). Observations of a possible cleaning symbiosis between painted turtles, chrysemys picta, and snapping turtles, chelydra serpentina, in central ontario. Canadian Field Naturalist, 111(2), 315–317.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 24 May 2009 21:32:28 UTC Pop. 2%
Kundert, S. (2003). Gefährliche schildkröte ausgesetzt! Testudo, 12(3), 19–20.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:38:49 UTC Pop. 1.5%
Lagarde, F., Guillon, M., Dubroca, L., Bonnet, X., Kaddour, B. K., Slimani, T., & Mouden, E. E. H. (2008). Slowness and accelerations: A new method for chelonian behavioural studies. Animal Behaviour, 75(1), 319–329.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 06 Jul 2014 16:11:46 UTC Pop. 3%
Langen, T. A., Gunson, K. E., Scheiner, C. A., & Boulerice, J. T. (2012). Road mortality in freshwater turtles: identifying causes of spatial patterns to optimize road planning and mitigation. Biodiversity and Conservation, (early view).   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 18 Nov 2012 17:43:40 UTC Pop. 3%
Langen, T. A., Ogden, K. M., & Schwarting, L. L. (2008). Predicting hot spots of herpetofauna road mortality along highway networks. Journal of Wildlife Management, 73(1), 104–114.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:22:55 UTC Pop. 3.25%
Langton, T. E. S., Atkins, W., & Herbert, C. (2011). On the distribution, ecology and management of non-native reptiles and amphibians in the london area. part 1. distribution and predator/prey impacts. London Naturalist, 90, 83–155.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:22:55 UTC Pop. 4%
Langton, T. E. S., & Herbert, C. (2011). On the distribution, ecology and management of non-native reptiles and amphibians in the london area. part 2. disease impacts, perspectives, trade exploitation and finding ethical solutions. London Naturalist, 90, 157–177.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:22:55 UTC Pop. 4.25%
Larivière, S. (1999). Reasons why predators cannot be inferred from nest remains. The Condor, 101(3), 718–721.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:22:55 UTC Pop. 2.25%
Lauder, G. V., & Prendergast, T. (1992). Kinematics of aquatic prey capture in the snapping turtle. Journal of Experimental Biology, 164, 55–78.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 11 Apr 2010 09:32:56 UTC Pop. 1.5%
Lawniczak, C. J., & Teece, M. A. (2005). Spatial mobilization of calcium and magnesium from the eggshell of the snapping turtle, chelydra serpentina. Journal of Herpetology, 39(4), 659–664.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:31:53 UTC Pop. 3%
Lawniczak, C. J., & Teece, M. A. (2009). Lipid metabolism during embryonic development of the common snapping turtle, chelydra serpentina. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 153(1), 73–80.   
Added by: Admin 21 Nov 2009 11:53:16 UTC Pop. 2%
Lawniczak, C. J. (2005). Lipid and inorganic ion utilization during, and environmental effects on, embryonic development of the turtle. Unpublished thesis , State University of New York, New York.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 25 Jan 2011 10:32:03 UTC Pop. 2.25%
Legler, J. M., & Vogt, C. (2013). The turtles of mexico: Land and freshwater forms. Berkeley: University of California Press.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:24:47 UTC Pop. 6%
Lehmann, H. D. (1966). Daten zur fortpflanzung von chelydra serpentina in gefangenschaft. Salamandra, 2, 1–5.   
Added by: Admin 25 Aug 2008 20:41:51 UTC Pop. 1.75%
Lenhardt, M. L., Bellmund, S., Byles, R. A., Harkins, S. W., & Musick, J. A. (1983). Marine turtle reception of bone-conducted sound. Journal of Auditory Research, 23(2), 119–125.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 18 Aug 2012 11:28:41 UTC Pop. 2.25%
Lescher, T. C., Tang-Martínez, Z., & Briggler, J. T. (2013). Habitat use by the alligator snapping turtle (macrochelys temminckii) and eastern snapping turtle (chelydra serpentina) in southeastern missouri. American Midland Naturalist, 169(1), 86–96.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:22:56 UTC Pop. 3.5%
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wikindx 4.2.2 ©2014 | Total resources: 14930 | Database queries: 101 | Script execution: 2.50833 secs | Style: American Psychological Association (APA) | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography