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Creator:  Raffel
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Auer, M., & Raffel, M. (2008). Field research into china’s endemic chelonians – preliminary study in preparation of a major survey on distribution, population dynamics, behaviour and reproduction of the chinese box turtles (cuora aurocapitata, c. mccordi, c. pani, c. yunnanensis, c. zhoui, chinemys nigricans).   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:22:36 UTC Pop. 5.25%
Ihlow, F., Handschuh, M., & Raffel, M. (2012). Haltung und nachzucht der gelbkopf-landschildkröte (indotestudo elongata) im "angkor centre for conservation of biodiversity". Marginata, 8(4), 24–30.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:24:36 UTC Pop. 3.25%
Meier, E., Raffel, M., & Philippen, H.-D. (2009). Erfolgreiches jahr 2008: Im internationalen zentrum für schildkröten-schutz (izs) im allwetterzoo münster. Marginata, 6(1), 56.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 05 Apr 2009 11:18:00 UTC Pop. 3.75%
Meier, E., Raffel, M., & Philippen, H.-D. (2011). Erfolgreiches jahr 2010 im internationalen zentrum für schildkrötenschutz (izs) im allwetterzoo münster. Marginata, 8(1), 42–44.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 25 Jun 2011 12:41:48 UTC Pop. 4%
Raffel, M., & Meier, E. (2013). Best year ever at the international centre for conservation of turtles (izs) and muenster zoo. Turtle Survival, 2013, 12–13.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 06 Jul 2014 16:17:15 UTC Pop. 3.5%
Raffel, M. (2002). Das internationale zentrum für schildkrötenschutz (izs) im allwetterzoo münster. Zoopädagogik aktuell: Begegnung Zoo, 14, 22–25.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 06 Jul 2014 16:17:15 UTC Pop. 3%
wikindx 4.2.2 ©2014 | Total resources: 14930 | Database queries: 52 | Script execution: 0.96518 secs | Style: American Psychological Association (APA) | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography