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Displaying 61 - 80 of 381 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Collection:  Copeia
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Cagle, F. R. (1945). Recovery from serious injury in the painted turtle. Copeia, 1945(1), 45.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:24:12 UTC Pop. 4%
Cagle, F. R. (1944). Activity and winter changes of hatchling pseudemys. Copeia, 1944, 105–109.   
Added by: Admin 25 Aug 2008 20:36:49 UTC Pop. 3.25%
Cagle, F. R. (1939). A system of marking turtles for future identification. Copeia, 1939(3), 170–173.   
Added by: Admin 25 Aug 2008 22:06:34 UTC Pop. 2.25%
Cagle, F. R. (1952). The status of the turtles, graptemys pulchra baur and graptemys barbouri carr & marchand with notes on their natural history. Copeia, 1952, 223–234.   
Added by: Admin 25 Aug 2008 20:36:50 UTC Pop. 3%
Cagle, F. R. (1944). A technique for obtaining turtle eggs for study. Copeia, 1944(1), 60.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 06 Jul 2014 16:10:34 UTC Pop. 3.75%
Cagle, F. R. (1942). Turtle populations in southern illinois. Copeia, 1942(3), 155–162.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 30 Oct 2011 14:52:32 UTC Pop. 4%
Cagle, F. R. (1952). A louisiana terrapin population (malaclemys). Copeia, 1952(1), 75–76.   
Added by: Admin 25 Aug 2008 22:06:35 UTC Pop. 2.5%
Cagle, F. R. (1944). Sexual maturity of the female of the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans. Copeia, 1944, 149–152.   
Added by: Admin 25 Aug 2008 20:36:49 UTC Pop. 2.75%
Cagle, F. R., & Tihen, J. (1948). Retention of eggs by the turtle deirochelys reticularia. Copeia, 1948(1), 66.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 30 Jun 2012 22:00:38 UTC Pop. 3.5%
Cagle, F. R. (1948). Sexual maturity in the male turtle, pseudemys scripta troostii. Copeia, 1948(2), 108–111.   
Added by: Admin 25 Aug 2008 21:58:00 UTC Pop. 2.75%
Cahn, A. R. (1933). Hibernation of the box turtle. Copeia, 1933, 13–14.   
Added by: Admin 25 Aug 2008 20:36:50 UTC Pop. 2.5%
Cahn, A. R., & Condor, E. (1932). Mating of box turtles. Copeia, 1932, 86–88.   
Added by: Admin 25 Aug 2008 20:36:50 UTC Pop. 2.5%
Caputo, F. P., & Vogt, R. C. (2008). Stomach flushing vs. fecal analysis: the example of phrynops rufipes (testudines: chelidae). Copeia, 2008(2), 301–305.   
Added by: Admin 23 Dec 2008 22:23:14 UTC Pop. 3%
Cardoso de Lima, A., Magnusson, W. E., & Lopes da Costa, V. (1997). Diet of phrynops rufipes in central amazonia. Copeia, 1997(1), 216–219.   
Added by: Admin 17 Aug 2008 18:54:43 UTC Pop. 3%
Carpenter, C. C. (1957). Hibernation, hibernacula and associated behavior of the three-toed box turtle (terrapene carolina triunguis). Copeia, 1957, 278–282.   
Added by: Admin 25 Aug 2008 20:36:52 UTC Pop. 2.5%
Carr, A. F. (1938). A new subspecies of pseudemys floridana, with notes on the floridana complex. Copeia, 1938(3), 105–109.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 28 Aug 2011 21:15:04 UTC Pop. 3.25%
Carr, A. F. (1935). The identity and status of two turtles of the genus pseudemys. Copeia, 1935(3), 147–148.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:22:41 UTC Pop. 3.25%
Carr, A. F. (1946). Status of the mangrove terrapin. Copeia, 1946(3), 170–172.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 06 Jul 2014 16:10:35 UTC Pop. 3.75%
Carroll, T. E., & Ehrenfeld, D. W. (1978). Intermediate-range homing in the wood turtle, clemmys insculpta. Copeia, 1978(1), 117–126.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 03 Jun 2010 11:15:10 UTC Pop. 2%
Chandler, C. H. (2009). The phylogenetic position of the snapping turtles (chelydridae) based on nucleotide sequence data. Copeia, 2009(2), 209–213.   
Added by: Admin 18 Jul 2009 11:45:57 UTC Pop. 3.75%
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